Thursday, November 6, 2008

Emo Film Idea

Character Designs
Thumbnails (continued) and more Character Designs

Here is my film idea, sorry about the bad quality scans. It's about this homeless kid whose parents (also homeless) have passed away and he is left with his best childhood friend goldfish. He ventures into the city with his fish and unable to fend for himself, he lives in alleyways with the garbage. One day he walks around the city trying to find a shelter/food/job. He asks around some places but people tell him to leave. He comes to a school and envies all the kids playing there. But he is told to leave by an old teacher with a rake.

By nightfall, he still hasn't made progress and he comes to this other poor guy in an alleyway washing dishes. He knocks on the door of the restaurant to hopefully get hired to do the same thing. When the door opens, this large figure loomed before him. The kid was brave to ask that he wants to wash dishes for money and the guy threatens him with a knife if he doesn't leave. Depressed, he sits around in alleyways and mopes for several days. After several weeks, his stomach starts to hurt from hunger and pretty soon, he cannot take it anymore. He realizes that he needs to eat his friend fish but hesitates. Finally, he painstakingly eats him. He decides with determination that for his friend's death not be in vain, he will definitely find a job and make money. He heads off into the city still carrying the empty fish bowl.

After many years, the scene fades in with a shot of a person's hand cutting into a steak dinner. We see the empty fish bowl on a pedestal as a man puts food in his mouth. Cut to a shot in the perspective of the fish bowl, this man is eating with a family. The man's head turns to look at the fish bowl and then cuts to a close-up of his face, and he smiles sadly.

1 comment:

TakiNeko said...

Awesome character design! Love the story, although it seems like it'll be longer than 30 seconds.