So here's what I have so far that I'm submitting to the festival next week: scenes 1 to 4. They're not perfect yet and I'm just trying to finish as many scenes as possible before I go back to fix the tiny nitpicky details.
There was a feature on Bluewater Multimedia today on KGMB9. It also has a video clip of the news segment on that article. Their productions were so cool, I liked the fish head a lot. And here's their site with some more videos of their work. My favorite is the first Mobi one.
I have two pieces of new stuff today! I've added the adult stage flying for scene 7. And also the complete scene 1. There's lots of repeat frames for scene 1 right now so I'll be trying to add some more in-betweens for it later. Also, the timing right before the mother goes ?! is too short but I'm too tired to change that right now.
Am sick. Gots the runny nose symptom. Animating was annoying today because I had to sneeze and blow my nose every minute. Not fun. Gonna sleep early, let's hope this symptom disappears by tomorrow. Good night!
So the end of the semester crunch is starting to hit me. In addition to the animation film, I must write a second short story for English as well as editing my other other story and essay. Final exam and oral for Japanese next month which Sensei said is going to be super hard. (-_-;) Burning a DVD for George's video editing class which includes fixing up all my previous editing assignments, I think that's due next week. And while doing that, I was planning to finish my web design for a contest, maybe enter DA's art challenge, and get to drawing my short manga. orz And putting up with procrastination of course. Hehehe, I find myself doing the following. From K-ON episode 3, it made me LOL.
There's not much that looks good for this season of anime in Japan but Eden of the East caught my eyes. Particularly, its ending sequence. The sequence is an animation, each frame made with paper cut outs. Kind of like what we did with stop motion except everything with paper. Hence, papermation. But it's so awesome that I had to share it! :D
The other anime that seems to be popular is K-On which is animated by Kyoto Animation (who did Lucky Star, Air, Kanon, Clannad, etc) and I heard some pretty good things about it. By the way, Umineko no Naku Koro ni is slated to air in July.