Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Scenes 1 to 4

So here's what I have so far that I'm submitting to the festival next week: scenes 1 to 4. They're not perfect yet and I'm just trying to finish as many scenes as possible before I go back to fix the tiny nitpicky details.

Scenes 1 to 4

And here are two versions of the poster I did.



Brittany Itsuno said...

Those are just simply awesome posters, both are really nice.
LOL I love the falling out of the tree and bouncing on the ground part. So squash and stretchy.
The ending part is so sad, but nicely done. D:

Jose Marzan said...

Damn nice Billy! Your backgrounds are wonderful, must have taken a long time putting all those details O_O They're just as fantastic as your animation bro!