Friday, April 17, 2009

More and more and more work

So the end of the semester crunch is starting to hit me. In addition to the animation film, I must write a second short story for English as well as editing my other other story and essay. Final exam and oral for Japanese next month which Sensei said is going to be super hard. (-_-;) Burning a DVD for George's video editing class which includes fixing up all my previous editing assignments, I think that's due next week. And while doing that, I was planning to finish my web design for a contest, maybe enter DA's art challenge, and get to drawing my short manga. orz And putting up with procrastination of course. Hehehe, I find myself doing the following. From K-ON episode 3, it made me LOL.

I wish I had a clone. Lots and lots of 'em!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha... that video was a successful distraction.

I'm always looking at facebook or something when I'm reading for a class... It's sad because I end up staying up late to make up for it.