Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spectacular Papermation

There's not much that looks good for this season of anime in Japan but Eden of the East caught my eyes. Particularly, its ending sequence. The sequence is an animation, each frame made with paper cut outs. Kind of like what we did with stop motion except everything with paper. Hence, papermation. But it's so awesome that I had to share it! :D

The other anime that seems to be popular is K-On which is animated by Kyoto Animation (who did Lucky Star, Air, Kanon, Clannad, etc) and I heard some pretty good things about it. By the way, Umineko no Naku Koro ni is slated to air in July.


Jose Marzan said...

Wow! Now that was amazing! Man so jealous D:

I hear the same things from K-on as well so I'm picking up interest, have you had a chance to see the new FMA? I didn't get a chance to see it so I'm wondering if it'll be worth downloading or not :\

Billy Wan said...

I heard the new FMA was pretty good, great animation for the first episode. But I probably won't be watching it, didn't watch the old one either. You should though if you liked the old FMA? I heard this one is closer to the manga.